Our platform provides easy to use, step by step navigation to assist you in the set-up, scheduling, and review of your payment as well as the management of your retained and failed payments in a few easy steps.
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Payments made simple
Our payment centre has an array of features and options to assist you in creating a detailed payment for your investors, including dividend re-investments plans.
Payment entitlement can be based on an investor’s holding as at a date or based on the average amount they hold over a specified time period.

Dividend statements, withholding tax and payments
Dividend statements are created for each investor and can be disseminated automatically by email or manually by post.
Withholding tax amounts are calculated based upon each investors profile (e.g. have they provided a tax number and what country is their tax residency) and deducted from their payment entitlements.
Pay your distributions easily by downloading an ABA file for your bank or by cheques.

Manage retained and failed payments
If a payment is retained or fails due to issues with bank account details or address data, the system will notify the investors with a valid email address and update the payment portal to show the number of payments that have been retained.
Once you or the investor has updated their bank details, you can simply reprocess the retained payment and generate a new ABA file.